Step-by-step instructions for various classroom A/V functions - downloadable:

How to add verification contacts and access points to your Duo authentication:


Addresses the issue - “How can I add approved authorizers and devices to my departments Duo verification system?”

How to select between screen share options and force a side-by-side viewing experience into meetings:


Addresses the issue - “How can I create a side-by-side, presenter/presentation viewing experience while sharing content?”

How to use Zoom Focus Mode to direct meetings and simulate a webinar experience:


Addresses the issue - “How can I focus attention on certain individuals in a presentation?”

Addresses the issue - “How can I prevent attendees from unmuting their microphone during a meeting/lecture?”

Addresses the issue - “How can I prevent attendees from seeing and interacting with each other?”

How to extend the classroom displays for optimized PowerPoint speaker view on BYOD with full screen slide show on class displays:


Addresses the issue - “How do I hide my BYOD home screen so the students can’t see my email and passwords, while connected to the classroom displays?”

Addresses the issue - “Why are my speaker notes on the classroom projector and the full screen slide show is on my BYOD?”

Addresses the issue - “How can I simply show the full screen slide show on both my BYOD and the classroom displays?”

How to enable Zoom recordings so people with the link can see them:


Addresses the issue - “I sent the link to the video, but people are not able to view the recording.”

How to enable audio from Mac computers into the WPH classrooms:


Addresses the issue - “I plugged my laptop into the lectern cables, but audio is still coming out of my laptop.”

How to download Zoom recordings to your local drive:


Addresses the issue - “How do download Zoom recordings so they are not deleted from the could after 120 days?”

Downloadable projector/display splash page for pre and post presentation:

Instructors can download and display this video splash page on the classroom projectors and displays.