Zoom Troubleshooting

I can't join my meeting                                                                                                                                                                                                 

If you're unable to join a meeting, check these items:

  • If you're on a desktop make sure that it's up to date; see What version of Zoom am I running? 
  • If you've received any of these messages:
    • You are on hold: The host has enabled a waiting room; you'll remain on hold until the host admits you into the meeting room.
    • Room connector is not enabled for this meeting: If you are using videoconferencing equipment to join a meeting hosted by a free Zoom account or an account that doesn't have the room connector enabled, you will receive this error. Connect to the meeting using a desktop or mobile device instead.
    • Please wait for the host to start this meeting: The Join before host  feature is not enabled, and the host has not yet joined the meeting. Hosts automatically receive email asking them to join. You will be prompted to join the meeting a short time after the host joins.
    • Please enter the meeting password: The meeting requires a password; enter the password provided by the meeting host. If you do not know the password, contact the meeting host for assistance.
      Certain types of videoconferencing equipment will not allow you to type alphabetical characters into the Zoom password field. If you are using videoconferencing equipment and the password contains alphabetical characters, contact the host.

I've joined my meeting, but no one else is here

If you've joined a meeting but don't see other participants:

  • Confirm with the meeting host that the meeting has begun. If it has, ask for the meeting ID at the top of the host's Zoom window (for example, Zoom Meeting ID: 123-456-7890) and compare that to the meeting ID at the top of yours. If they don't match, you've joined a different meeting. Ask the host for the meeting ID.
  • If you're the host, ensure that you haven't enabled a waiting room. If you have, you need to manually admit each participant before they can join your meeting.

I can't hear or talk to people

If you're unable to hear or talk to people in a meeting:

People can't see me

If you've joined a meeting successfully but others can't see you:

My video is poor quality

I can't screenshare a video with sound

After you click Share to share your screen, select Share computer sound in the lower left of the screenshare window.

I can't access my recordings, I accidentally deleted a recording, or I can't record

  • If your meeting is missing from the recorded meetings list in the Zoom client (for example, as a result of pressing Delete in the Zoom client for a recorded meeting), you may be able to find the recording on your device in its Zoom recordings folder.

    To see where your Zoom recordings are stored, see the "Change location for Recording" section of Local recording . Recordings will be named in the format double_click_to_convert_01.zoom. When you find the .zoom file you are looking for, double-click it.
    Pressing Delete in the Zoom client removes the recording from the recorded meetings list in Zoom, but not from the device itself.

  • Only current hosts can record a meeting. If you can't record, check to see whether you're the host by clicking the Participants icon Image of the Zoom participants icon in the attendee controls at the bottom of your meeting window; if you aren't the host, you can ask the host to record the meeting.

My recording won't convert

Your device might be low on disk space. To check, see:

Error adding alternative hosts

  • To add an alternative host, you must enter that person's full email address, even if the person's primary email address uses another domain. 
